Carr And Latham's Technology Of Clothing Manufa...
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The processes of modern clothing manufacture are explained here, alongside the equipment used. Latest developments are described as well as established methods. Manual, mechanised and automated processes are explained and their comparative advantages for certain purposes are considered as well as the applications of computer control and robotics. The Fourth Edition has been updated throughout to reflect advances in technology and a new chapter is now devoted to colour management and colour technology (including a colour section for the first time). There is a new chapter on trouble-shooting in the sewing room, giving practical solutions to common problems. Other significant additions are alternative methods of joining materials (ultrasonics, RF welding and moulding) and new developments in the traditional areas of garment and machinery technology. Students in clothing and fashion as well as garment technologists in the clothing industry will find this an invaluable resource in their increasingly complex role.
This book has focused on the technology of clothing manufacture, leaving issues of fi t and quality systems for others. However, the technologies have changed with time, and this shift is reflected in the way different editions have been updated. In the third edition, the role of the garment technologist in new product development was introduced. The new chapter in this edition (Chapter 8) concerns the technology of colour and its management. The chapter that has seen the most change is that on alternative joining technologies (Chapter 6), because of the major expansion of interest in welded seams and the use of adhesives. Chapter 10 has been introduced on the solution of sewing problems, drawing on material previously in Chapter 3 and introducing checklists in tabular form.
This book explains the processes of modern clothing manufacture and equipment used. Latest developments are described as well as established methods. Manual, mechanised and automated processes are explained and their comparative advantages for certain purposes are considered as well as the applications of computer control and robotics. It includes colour management and colour technology. The book gives practical solutions to common problems on trouble-shooting in the sewing room. It also presents alternative methods of joining materials and new developments in the traditional areas of garment and machinery technology. 59ce067264