Undergraduate Econometrics Hill Griffiths Judge.pdf
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The first part is titled “Introduction toEconometrics”. In this part, we provide a generalintroduction to the three fundamental tools of econometrics,statistics, and optimization. The second part is titled “Chapter 1: Robust Inference”. In this part, we discuss robust inference. The book presents several examples of econometrics applications, most of which are based on data from the USeconomy. We also include some examples of applications ofeconometrics in the agri-food industry. We do not do as muchdiscussion of econometrics applications in microeconomics,because we think that many of these applications are explainedwell in existing books. The book is only intended for thestudent of introductory econometrics. It is not for thosestudents who have already completed an introductory econometricscourse, or who have had an introductory course in statistics.
Like in all other books in the Springer series, our bookprovides a lot of exercises, all of which are based on datafrom the US economy. Our book is intended for themindsetters and the beginning students of economics who are in theprocess of choosing a major in economics. It should be usefulfor anyone who wants to learn econometrics, but not econometricsas a major. We hope that our book will be useful for themindsetters of economics who want to specialize in microeconomics,market and health economics, labor and econometrics,econometrics of business and finance, and others. The bookalso provides a useful reference for a student, or alsotraining other professionals, who is interested in working witheconometrics.
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